I’m Anna, Founder and CEO of InsightTRAC.
After listening to almond growers express their ongoing frustration with removing Navel Orangeworm infested nuts during winter sanitation—InsightTRAC was born.
Since 2019, our team has journeyed through multiple rounds of design, technology, testing, and grower feedback. Growers have seen demonstrations and are excited about how this new technology will make a positive difference in the yield and profitability of their farm.
We are now producing and manufacturing Rovers that will be delivered to California for the winter sanitation season for December 2022 and to Australia in June of 2023.
InsightTRAC currently serves almond growers in California and Australia with the goal of expanding to other crops and industries.
Considerable time is spent connecting with growers, conducting tests, and gathering feedback in our target markets.
InsightTRAC has established a large team of experienced product designers, engineers, autonomy experts and agriculture advisors to guide the development of this revolutionary system.